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In depth analysis of US housing market!
Some Comments and Articles about Bill McBride and Calculated Risk
Bill McBride is the author of the CalculatedRisk blog.
"Calculatedrisk, my go-to site on housing matters.", Nobel economist Paul Krugman in the NY Times
"Calculated Risk, produced by Bill McBride, is more focused on U.S. economic developments, particularly in the real-estate market. But investment banking research rarely gets to the nub of the issue as quickly or pithily as McBride following data releases and market developments. If you’re following U.S. macro trends, it’s a blog that demands frequent visits.", Alen Mattich at the WSJ: The Best Economics Blogs
"[B]y far the broadest, deepest, and smartest coverage of the subprme crisis and housing meltdown comes not from any newspaper but rather from the blog Calculated Risk.", Felix Salmon at Condé Nast
From Bloomberg: A leading real-estate data junkie is now focused on the impact of the coronavirus
From the LA Times: Blogger keeps finger on pulse of housing market
From Business Insider: The Genius Who Invented Economics Blogging Reveals How He Got Everything Right And What's Coming Next
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